Saturday, June 16, 2007

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien

One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them

JRR Tolkien The Fellowship of the Ring 1954

One of the giants of fantasy if not the giant. I first read Lord of the Rings at school many eons and moons ago and hated it. Now its one of my favourite books that I never fail to enjoy reading. Don't worry I am not going to review any novels here.

Why Tolkien as one of my heroes. Well his works have stimulated my own imagination and desire to bring to life the little and not so little folk I have in my own mind whether in pictures or words or both. Not that I'll ever be has great as he but hell its sure a goal to aim for.

I do share one thing with this great man and that is being born on January 3, possibly and most likely not a significant thing.

The difficulties of Tolkien's life are said to reflect in his work as is the fact he lived through two world wars. I am not sure that is the case but I guess what we write and paint is a reflection of our own lives and experiences so it does make sense.

Needless to say Tolkien is high up on my list of people living or dead I'd like to do lunch with